The Upanishads and Life

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Book Code: 1111001425023

W.S. Urquhart

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Untitled Document


 "The Upanishads And Life," penned by William S. Urquhart and first published in 1916, offers a profound exploration of the Upanishads, ancient Hindu philosophical texts of immense significance. Urquhart meticulously analyzes these texts, delving into their teachings on reality, the self, and the ultimate purpose of human existence. Moreover, he elucidates how these teachings can be applied practically to daily life, guiding a more meaningful and fulfilling existence grounded in Upanishadic principles. Drawing upon his deep understanding of Indian philosophy and culture, Urquhart provides a nuanced perspective on the Upanishads' relevance to contemporary life. The book features translations of key passages, enabling direct engagement with the original texts. Overall, "The Upanishads And Life" stands as a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of one of the world's most profound philosophical traditions, offering invaluable wisdom for seekers of truth and purpose.


W.S. Urquhart, affiliated with Scottish Churches College in Calcutta during the early 20th century, is recognized for his insightful comparisons between Vedanta and modern philosophical thought. He anticipates Vedantic ideas in the Upanishads, emphasizing the unity of development in Indian philosophies, which surpasses that found in Western philosophy. Urquhart's scholarship illuminates the profound connections between Eastern and Western philosophical traditions, highlighting the depth and richness of Vedantic thought. Through his work, he sheds light on the enduring relevance of Vedanta in contemporary discourse, contributing to a deeper understanding of the philosophical landscape and fostering cross-cultural dialogue.



I.   THE    SETTING    OF    THE    PROBLEM    OF    THE UPANISHADS ...............................................................  1
II.  THE  GENERAL  CHARACTER  OF  THE  SOLUTION......................................................................................... 25
III. THE    PANTHEISM    AND    PESSIMISM    OF    THE SYSTEM........................................................................ 49
V.  THE  RELIGIOUS  AND  ETHICAL  EFFECTS........................................................................................................99
VI. THE  NEED  OF  THEISM  AND  THE  MESSAGE  OF CHRISTIANITY.............................................................126



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